
Monday 30 December 2013

The End is the Beginning

I find this time of year rather irritating. Christmas is kind of over but thankfully not the holidays and there are still a few days before the new year. The TV is usually a bit poor: World's Strongest Man, trailers for The Voice, Big Brother etc. Seriously boring and predictable TV ads for: holidays; sales - clothes, kitchens, bedrooms, electrical; holidays; part works; and slimming.

In approx a day i.e. the day before New Years Eve there'll be the usual run of the mill end of year round up programmes. You know like a best of the years news quiz etc.

So in that vein (in spite of my general dislike of this sort of thing) I've attempted to put together a list (alphabetical if I can manage it) summarising my take on 2013 and looking ahead to my aspirations for 2014.
NB. This will therefore be a long post

A - Adventures - We had some fun adventures in 2013 incl our trips to London, Arran & Lindisfarne but I'm still yearning for even more exciting adventures in 2014. I still want to go travelling and see Italy, Israel and India. I'd also love to go and climb another mountain.

B - Babysitting - I have the best family and friends who support us with babysitting our 3 children. It's so reassuring to know that they love our kids and are not fazed by any additional needs.

C - Confidence - I've grown in this area during 2013 and I'm sure I'll keep on during 2014.

D - Down's Syndrome - I still hate it and refuse to accept that it means that my gorgeous girl will be less than other kids. I'd take it away from her in a heartbeat if I could. The last 6 months of 2013 was easier than the  previous year so 2014 will probably be easier still. It's just other peoples attitudes I dislike and have to deal with.

E - Easy - Not much in 2013 has been easy and I'm bracing myself for the challenges of 2014.

F - Focus - In 2013 I did a lot of allsorts of things but in 2014 as well as doing a lot I think I need to focus on some specific issues too.

G - God

H - Health and Happiness - I've been blessed to be both happy and healthy in 2013 but in 2014 I am looking forward to eating healthier and creating a generally healthier lifestyle. More fitness and sleep etc.

I - Interfaith - I so love that Bradford is leading the way in regard to interfaith cooperation. Ref the Bradford Reformed synagogue. I've learned so much during 2013 and hope that there'll be greater strength in this area in 2014.

J - Jesus

K - Koreen & Keith - Two of my dearest friends but I didn't get a chance to meet up with them during 2013 so will be making a concerted effort to meet up during 2014.

L - Love - oh wow so much I could say here. I am so blessed to be married to an amazing man who loves me and who I love. We've had a crazy, rollercoaster of a marriage so far and I love that we get to do life together. I'm so looking forward to a fabulous 2014.

M - Mothers - They really do deserve a category of their own. During 2013, I've been aware of friends and colleagues who've had to deal with their mothers ill health. It's made me even more thankful for my amazing Mamma who has beaten cancer twice and is still going strong. I've been more aware at Christmas of just how amazing mothers are at creating beautiful family Christmases. I love that my Mamma does a fabulous family Christmas lunch for the whole family on the Sunday before Christmas. Also my MIL who cooks to feed the masses and creates a Christmas present "pie" so everyone grabs a string and pulls and ends up with a gift.

N - No - saying No to average means I can say Yes to the best. I'm determined to live by this a bit more during 2014 especially when I regularly have 3 meetings at the same time and need to pick between them.

O - Opportunities - There are always far more opportunities available to us than we often realise. During 2014 I'm seeking to know more clearly which opportunities to grab and which to pass on.

P - Politics - I love it and hate it at the same time but throughout 2013 I've learned so so much but I'm aware that I have even more to do during 2014. I hate that politicians in Westminster make decisions to cut public services without any thought towards how people losing their jobs as a result will feed themselves. I love that all of us can get involved to try and make a difference.

Q - Quid Pro Quo - There's an exchange for everything in life. I hope to give others better than what they give me.

R - Rubbish - During the year of 2013, I got rid of so much stuff, junk and rubbish. I gave loads of stuff away to others and realised that once it's stopped being useful to me, it's then just rubbish, so give it to someone else that it's useful to. NB - this does NOT extend to my extensive book collection.

S - Smiling - I always smile no matter what. There's strength in seeing the positives in any situation and not allowing stuff to get you down.

T - Trust - hmmm It's too easy to Trust people and then get bitten so it's much better to be cautious about who and what to Trust.

U - Underneath - I've been more aware this year that there's more underneath a situation or circumstance than at first there appears to be so during 2014 I'm going to be looking at context.

V -  Validity - Some arguments are not valid or worth pursuing so during 2014 I'm determined to work hard only on the things that are valid and worthwhile.

W - Work - I always work hard and I'm grateful that I was given a strong work ethic by my parents and grandparents but this year I want to not just work hard but also work smarter.

X - I have now realised what a ridiculous idea doing this alphabetically was.

Y - Yes - I need to keep working on when to say Yes and when to say No. Saying Yes can be great but can also lead to all sorts of problems if I say Yes to the wrong things.

Z - Zeitgeist - I've only included this because I love this word.

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