
Wednesday 11 December 2013

Criticism vs Encouragement

So, it's pretty obvious that when you get into politics there's going to be a lot of criticism and not a lot of encouragement.

But it really does make me wonder what is wrong with our world when we so easily leap to criticism before encouragement. We all do it but seriously what is that all about?

I am a naturally positive person and find it difficult to be around people who are negative, cynical and discouraging.

My attitude is generally that you get a better performance from most people if you show even a small level of encouragement. My children always respond better to encouragement and the people I work with respond better. A thank you and a smile never hurts and usually blesses others.

Over the last 6 months especially there have been people telling me how great they feel about Bradford and how good it makes them feel that Bradford is on the up. Many of these people have mentioned that they think it's because the District has a great Leader. This kind of positive encouragement is a pleasure to receive and pass on. 

But when people are critical I wonder what the point is in wasting energy being critical. How does that help or build up? If the energy put into the nasty, ranty type of criticism was channelled into being positive, I feel sure that the District would be doing so much better.

Just some of the amazing events which have taken place across the District, have demonstrated how people attending and participating in the events get such a great feeling and buzz which is worth far more than money. The sense of wellbeing and positivity can make such an incredible difference.

People can moan and whitter on about regeneration and all that jazz as much as they want but the spirit of a place and the sense of dynamism and passion to see improvement comes from the people.

So what can we all do to improve our brilliant District? We can start by being positive about it. Be realistic by all means but don't denigrate it just because you're having a rant. 

There was some great news today from the Ofsted annual report stating that the Districts primary schools have risen from 98th to 54th in the national rankings. This is brilliant news for the children and families of the District and is testament to the seriously hard work that has been put in by a wide range of people and bodies. It's firm evidence of the Districts leadership, commitment and investment in our Children. Let's keep talking up how great our young people are and lets keep encouraging those who work in public services such as education. To be honest there's not a lot of thanks in that profession either. Some thanks and encouragement helps us all to go the extra mile.

For me, although I do feel encouraged by every success I also feel motivated to do far more. I read these questions(below) today and felt a sense of deja vu. They sum up my attitude and I'll keep on revisiting them to keep me in check so that I stay focussed on what's truly important. 

There's still so much to do and we all have a part to play to make our District truly brilliant. Be encouraged. You are doing great!

- What is your biggest success in making Bradford better?
- What are you working on now to make Bradford better?
- What’s something you’re planning to do in the future to make Bradford better?

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