
Sunday 25 May 2014

The Bucket List

There are so many things in life that I want to do and sadly, I put many of those things off thinking that they'd be great to do when I met Mr Right. However, when Mr Right turns up life gets busy and children land in your life which changes the priorities around a fair bit.

But, I still have those things I want to do and places I want to experience (not just visit) so in the spirit of the movie, The Bucket List, I thought I'd write them down and see how far I get.

1. I want to see real jewels - emeralds, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, pearls etc etc
I saw the Crown jewels in 2012 which were pretty impressive but I'd like to touch, not just look.

2. I want to climb a mountain - preferably something like Kili rather than Everest.

3. I want to go backpacking around India, spend time in Goa, Simla, Mumbai, Delhi and see the Taj Mahal and the Golden Temple in Amritsar,  and also visit the place my Mum was born in Pakistan.

4. Spend time on a Kibbutz in Israel

5. Eat pizza, drink wine and eat gelato in Italy. I want to see incredible art and visit Pisa, Rome, Florence and Venice.

6. I want to dig wells in Africa or at the very least be part of a Habitat for Humanity building project.

7. I want to get a motorbike licence and trek around South America in a Che Guevara Motorcycle Diaries style way and walk the Inca Trail in Peru up to Macchu Picchu.

8. I'd like to actually finish one of the books I've started writing and get it published.

9. I really want to build a prosperous District and be part of something far bigger than myself which will have a lasting, positive impact. I want to leave something behind which will be a great legacy.

10. I want to go horse riding again, in the surf. I did it in Cuba and it was amazing.

So technically, I've already done 1 (seen jewels but not touched) and 10 (ridden through the surf in Cuba) but there's no reason why I couldn't do them again to the next level. And I'm working on 9 and 5 but 9 is taking most of my time currently so I may have to delay some of the others a bit. But, it's interesting that once goals are written they become part of a plan and will happen so I'm looking forward to ticking these off eventually.

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