Every part of life has you either smiling :) or grimacing :( and some situations have both.But for me I really love to SMILE :)
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Finding a Leader I Can Believe In
This time I was determined to sit as near to the front as possible so that I could 'eyeball' each candidate as they answered the questions put to them.
My impressions of each candidate were as follows:
David Miliband - scarily too like Tony Blair and very much a 'politician' i.e. I didn't feel that I could relate to him and I felt that he didn't really answer the questions as directly as I would have liked. He also didn't seem to be all that passionate about it. Furthermore, he disappeared within seconds of the end of the hustings which I felt was rather rude. To give him his due, he may have had a train to catch to return to London, but surely these events are about meeting people and listening to them too, so his travel arrangements should have been made to allow for some time with the people attending the hustings. By leaving immediately it made him appear aloof and disinterested in people that he is supposedly seeking to serve.
I won't be voting for him!
Ed Miliband - well, he didn't say anything or present himself in anyway that altered my perception of him from that which I gained at the event I attended in June. So again I just felt that he was A.N.Other Politician and like David, he didn't hand around at all at the end of the hustings.
I won't be voting for him!
Ed Balls - I really like this guy mainly because he really is standing up for the jobs of construction workers and the investment in school buildings as part of the Building Schools For The Future programme which Michael Gove is trying to completely do away with in the areas where it's most needed. Also, following him on twitter has given me an insight into how hard he works. He is always busy doing something, whether that's helping with the GE2010 election campaign, or being on the streets in his own constituency or defending the pilot scheme which was supposed to be starting this September for Free School Lunches for children in deprived areas, of which Bradford was one, as well as being a father to young children. He was also really friendly, smiley and personable and smiled over at me at the end of the hustings and shook my hand. That personal touch goes a long way. Although I wouldn't give him my 1st preference vote as leader because I would prefer him to stay as a major cabinet member, he will get my 2nd preference vote. I believe that the party needs a fighter especially during this season of being in opposition.
Andy Burnham - Oh my goodness this guy was absolutely amazing. He was exactly who I was looking for. A down to earth man who answered each question directly which in itself was refreshing but he was also incredibly passionate and inspiring. He was the kind of man that I thought would really relate to the majority of the general public and hopefully get Labour back into government. Not only did he answer the questions put to him but he also had great ideas about how he would deal with various issues. As the hustings closed I knew that here was a man who was passionate, inspiring and the real deal. I walked up to him to shake his hand and thank him (unfortunately interrupting him) but he was so gracious and humble and really came across as a genuinely, kind and caring person. Quite honestly, I've always been disillusioned by politics and politicians but Andy Burnham could just be the one who will help to encourage and motivate many people to restore their faith in politics and to engage in local and national politics.
He will definitely get my 1st preference vote.
Diane Abbott - hmmm It's so hard to find anything positive to say and I'd rather not be unkind so I'll just say that I won't be voting for her but I'm glad that Hackney has an MP who is committed.
Whoever wins the leadership election (and I desperately hope that it will be Andy Burnham) they will have a tough job on their hands to represent the people who have elected them in their constituencies, represent the very vastly different people who together form the Labour Party and re-position the party to make it a viable option for the electorate to vote in Labour as the next government of the United Kingdom.
And finally here's a fun pic of my favourite two politicians dating from 2008
Saturday, 12 June 2010
First Contact – Attending an Ed Miliband event
Friday, 11 June 2010
Jobs at Sweet & Maxwell - countrywide
Tricia Cornes
Freelance Manager
M: +44 (0)7789 278845
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Politics and me
One of the funny things about Thatcher being Prime Minister was that I had come to take for granted that the Prime Minister of our country was female so much so, that the first time I heard a BBC newsreader refer to the Prime Minister as 'he' after John Major took power, I was totally shocked. I don't think I shall ever forget that moment.
While I was at university I was surrounded by lot of 'political types' but thought they were all fanatical lefties and had little to say that was of relevance to what life is really like for most people in our great country.
However, I was always concerned about our society, having been instructed by my maternal grandmother who was probably the kindest person I have ever known and who was a massive influence on my life. So, I got heavily involved with charity work and really had my eyes opened to what life is like and how politics per se is not the answer.
But then I also think that historically massive political changes have been made by people getting involved or being roused into getting involved by visionary leaders. People such as Martin Luther King.
The words “I have a dream” uttered by Martin Luther King are probably the most famous words of modern history. It may sound cheesy to repeat them but we need to remember why the words in this particular speech were so powerful and have resonated with so many over nearly 60 years.
“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
I have a dream today!”
So why did I join the Labour party – well, I joined for two reasons:
i) because I was so touched by a book I read – The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressel which is a brilliant novel containing many essays about the value of socialism and felt so moved by it that I wanted to write (unfortunately I didn't) to the Rt Hon Gordon Brown and urge him to not give up the fight and to fight with passion for the sake of the people of this country. As a country we are significantly more blessed than we were at the time this book was written but there is still a long way to go.
ii) because I saw Gordon Brown on TV on the 11th May give such a rousing speech at Labour party HQ where he talked about service.
“On the back of our party cards it says:
By the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more together than we do alone …
And we continue to fight unceasingly because progress is not a word we just speak but a reality we have been creating where the ambit of opportunity always expands and never contracts. And we fight for progress because we know the energy and talent of the British people are boundless whenever they are released from stereotype and allowed to soar. …
And you are part of a Labour Party which is and will always be the greatest fighting force for fairness our country has ever seen.
We are irrepressible: we fight for fairness, and tomorrow we fight on.”
The people of Great Britain are far more powerful than we realise and we need to mobilise these people to create opportunities for all and to allow all our dreams for a better, fairer future become a reality.
Call this (or me) naieve if you want to but I have only just joined the party and have only recently felt that I had anything to contribute. I grew up under Thatcher, for goodness sake, and felt completely apathetic regarding politics for most of my life until Gordon Brown who finally seemed to me, to be more about serving others rather than his own agenda.
I am hoping that I won't be disillusioned by the Labour party and that the things I believe in and care about will become a reality. I don't think I want much apart from having a nice home, enough money to pay my bills and provide for a family, to live in peace, have satisfactory and fulfilling work, excellent education, excellent childcare facilities, medical provision, provision for care throughout old age and a community of people that cares about and respects each other.
Well that's it for now, I'll see how I get on as a card carrying member and see what I can do for my community and my country :)
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
The Right To Vote
Sunday, 4 April 2010
The Time Travelers Wife & Jesus
"Okay so I've just seen the movie and I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm overwhelmed that my best friend lives outside of time and yet he's with me in every moment of my life - sometimes I feel that he's here with me more obviously than at others. I am completely loved by him so much so that he entered time to pay a price for me to spend eternity with him.
When I saw the movie I felt so sad that we each have to die, not that dying is bad but, feeling sad for those we leave behind. When we marry we cleave to one another and become one so when one of a couple dies then it must be the worst kind of wrenching and feeling as if you're no longer complete. I know that we are complete individuals when we marry but we grow together and become co-dependent.
I know that when I close my eyes in this time and space I will open them again in eternity and see the beauty of my best friend and be able to completely immerse myself in him but what about those I will leave behind. I would hate to think of them grieving for me. I truly hope that my husband and my daughter and my mother know how much I love them.
But then on the way home, I was listening to the Hillsong CD - Faith+Hope+Love and the first track says that Jesus is the Alpha & the Omega, the first and the last.
It amazes me that Jesus has been with me through every single season of my life and that he knows my end and my beginning and that he is my best and dearest truest friend for all eternity.
And finally... how irritating is it that people are silly...people will insist on comparing a book to a movie - a book is a book and a movie is a movie - they are two radically different types of media and tell stories in very different ways. A book and a film should never be compared as they are not like for like. I am thrilled that I choose to see movies first and then read the book and if they are different then so much the better as I get blessed twice !!! This rant is based on the fact that as I was leaving the cinema people were loudly complaining that the film hadn't done justice to the book upon which it was based. This kind of felt like cold water being thrown on me while I was on a high. Who are they kidding it was a great movie - just appreciate the movie on its own.
If anyone who reads this hasn't seen it yet - I hope you enjoy it. If you've already read the book don't expect it to be the same just enjoy it for what it is. I know that now I am going to enjoy the book.
Friday, 2 April 2010
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Reading & Writing Fiction
I appear to have been out of action for a few days because I was busy reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. I finally managed to get a copy from my local library on Friday evening and had finished it by Tuesday evening. This says something about the book. It was definitely a page turner once I got past the first 30-50 pages as it has quite a long set up and introduces the main character quite a way in. I really enjoyed reading it even though it deals with some horrific tortures and murders which I would rather not have read. The Swedish title for the book is translated into English as “Men Who Hate Women” which is a kind of theme running throughout the book. This book is the first in a trilogy – the subsequent books being The Girl Who Played With Fire and The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest. Even though murder mysteries are not really my cup of tea where reading is concerned, I am kind of intrigued by the main character Lisbeth Salander and may end up reading the next two books but having said that life is short and I have plot planning and writing to get on with.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
The Journey To Being A Screenwriter continues
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
NaNoWriMo - The Journey
Here is a re-post of my NaNoWriMo experience...
Getting involved with NaNoWriMo, started off on 27 October, with a guy who works at my company mentioning NaNoWriMo briefly. I had a look at their website and was hooked and determined to have a go. The idea is that you sign up to participate in a global network of people who will all attempt to write a 50,000 word / 175 page novel during the 30 days of November.
On Friday 30 October I went to an event called Worship Central at ALC (Abundant Life Church) where Tim Hughes and Al Gordon led worship, taught on Godly creativity, then more worship and prayer. I felt so inspired to create something amazing and really sought God to help me just flow with literary creativity. I was fired up, ready to go and couldn't wait to start; so much so that I started to write at midnight on Sunday 1st November. It only took one hour to write the first 1666 words.
But...had I kept to that and written 1666 words every day I would have made the target of writing a 50,000 word novel in the 30 days of November. Unfortunately, by the end of November my word count was an abysmally low 14,966 so I had to accept that I failed in reaching the target.
But...I achieved something amazing. During November, I had my ups and downs, days of writing loads and flowing in the story and days of writing nothing. I have come up with a story about some characters that really interest, inspire and surprise me. I have started a novel that I know I will complete and I have enjoyed writing again immensely; so much so that I think it will be hard to stop.
I am already planning to participate again next year but I will plan out my writing schedule, story and characters in advance. Having said that, I think there is definitely something to be said for the 'flying by the seat of your spontaneous pants' method of writing, as there is just such a beautiful flow.
Monday, 8 March 2010
The Journey To Being A Screenwriter
This last weekend I had the amazing opportunity of being able to participate in a Screenwriting workshop in London, taught by Julie Gray from Los Angeles - see her blog on www.justeffing.com She is 'good people'.
I was a bit concerned that maybe I wasn't worthy to be there as although I love to write and have more ideas than I have time to work on, in my ideas journal, I wouldn't dare to presume that I have any talent. I mean talent is something that other people have, such as authors like Carlos Ruiz Zafon (writer of novel The Shadow of The Wind) and screenwriters like Shane Black (writer of the Lethal Weapon movies) and Bruce Joel Rubin (Oscar winning writer of Ghost and The Time Travelers Wife).
But Julie is an amazing encourager so I went along down to London anyway, ready to learn as much as I could and to make the most of the opportunity.
The class was absolutely, unbelievably excellent, far exceeding my expectations. After the first day – I was exhausted as I’d taken in so much and met some really cool people but after a few writing exercises and testing some of my movie ideas, I ended up feeling like a worthless, talentless, little wannabe. I was devastated and considered not going back for more on Sunday but then I prayed and asked God to help me get my head together and present some more movie ideas on Sunday morning.
So I went back with 6 brand new ideas, each of which had varying degrees of merit but when I presented them to Julie she said yes to 3, no to 1 and said the others were more novel ideas and suggested I put them in my ideas folder.
By the end of Sunday when I had worked on 1 main idea – I left on cloud 9 feeling so inspired, encouraged and motivated but at same time utterly exhausted. The idea was just a fluffy, frothy romantic comedy but everyone loved it and said it was very commercial and had ‘legs’ to use a Hollywood term.
I met some of the most incredible and amazing people who were just so lovely, talented, inspiring and collaborative. We all exchanged email addresses and I know that it's going to be fun to keep in touch and see how we all develop and grow as writers in our careers.