
Sunday 4 April 2010

The Time Travelers Wife & Jesus

I originally wrote the following just after seeing the movie but today is Easter Sunday and the sentiment is still alive today so here goes:

"Okay so I've just seen the movie and I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm overwhelmed that my best friend lives outside of time and yet he's with me in every moment of my life - sometimes I feel that he's here with me more obviously than at others. I am completely loved by him so much so that he entered time to pay a price for me to spend eternity with him.

When I saw the movie I felt so sad that we each have to die, not that dying is bad but, feeling sad for those we leave behind. When we marry we cleave to one another and become one so when one of a couple dies then it must be the worst kind of wrenching and feeling as if you're no longer complete. I know that we are complete individuals when we marry but we grow together and become co-dependent.

I know that when I close my eyes in this time and space I will open them again in eternity and see the beauty of my best friend and be able to completely immerse myself in him but what about those I will leave behind. I would hate to think of them grieving for me. I truly hope that my husband and my daughter and my mother know how much I love them.

But then on the way home, I was listening to the Hillsong CD - Faith+Hope+Love and the first track says that Jesus is the Alpha & the Omega, the first and the last.

It amazes me that Jesus has been with me through every single season of my life and that he knows my end and my beginning and that he is my best and dearest truest friend for all eternity.

And finally... how irritating is it that people are silly...people will insist on comparing a book to a movie - a book is a book and a movie is a movie - they are two radically different types of media and tell stories in very different ways. A book and a film should never be compared as they are not like for like. I am thrilled that I choose to see movies first and then read the book and if they are different then so much the better as I get blessed twice !!! This rant is based on the fact that as I was leaving the cinema people were loudly complaining that the film hadn't done justice to the book upon which it was based. This kind of felt like cold water being thrown on me while I was on a high. Who are they kidding it was a great movie - just appreciate the movie on its own.

If anyone who reads this hasn't seen it yet - I hope you enjoy it. If you've already read the book don't expect it to be the same just enjoy it for what it is. I know that now I am going to enjoy the book.

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