
Thursday 5 August 2010

Finding a Leader I Can Believe In

Following my disheartening experience attending the Ed Miliband event in Leeds, I eventually managed to get the opportunity to attend the Labour Leadership hustings in Leeds on Sunday 25 July. I had hoped to get to hear each of the 5 candidates speak before I made up my mind so was very excited to be able to attend. I also got a work colleague to come with me too which was fun. I'm still hoping that she will join the Labour Party especially as being under 27, she can join for a £1 and for anyone who joins prior to 1 September there is the opportunity to vote in the Leadership election

This time I was determined to sit as near to the front as possible so that I could 'eyeball' each candidate as they answered the questions put to them.

My impressions of each candidate were as follows:

David Miliband - scarily too like Tony Blair and very much a 'politician' i.e. I didn't feel that I could relate to him and I felt that he didn't really answer the questions as directly as I would have liked. He also didn't seem to be all that passionate about it. Furthermore, he disappeared within seconds of the end of the hustings which I felt was rather rude. To give him his due, he may have had a train to catch to return to London, but surely these events are about meeting people and listening to them too, so his travel arrangements should have been made to allow for some time with the people attending the hustings. By leaving immediately it made him appear aloof and disinterested in people that he is supposedly seeking to serve.
I won't be voting for him!

Ed Miliband - well, he didn't say anything or present himself in anyway that altered my perception of him from that which I gained at the event I attended in June. So again I just felt that he was A.N.Other Politician and like David, he didn't hand around at all at the end of the hustings.
I won't be voting for him!

Ed Balls - I really like this guy mainly because he really is standing up for the jobs of construction workers and the investment in school buildings as part of the Building Schools For The Future programme which Michael Gove is trying to completely do away with in the areas where it's most needed. Also, following him on twitter has given me an insight into how hard he works. He is always busy doing something, whether that's helping with the GE2010 election campaign, or being on the streets in his own constituency or defending the pilot scheme which was supposed to be starting this September for Free School Lunches for children in deprived areas, of which Bradford was one, as well as being a father to young children. He was also really friendly, smiley and personable and smiled over at me at the end of the hustings and shook my hand. That personal touch goes a long way. Although I wouldn't give him my 1st preference vote as leader because I would prefer him to stay as a major cabinet member, he will get my 2nd preference vote. I believe that the party needs a fighter especially during this season of being in opposition.

Andy Burnham - Oh my goodness this guy was absolutely amazing. He was exactly who I was looking for. A down to earth man who answered each question directly which in itself was refreshing but he was also incredibly passionate and inspiring. He was the kind of man that I thought would really relate to the majority of the general public and hopefully get Labour back into government. Not only did he answer the questions put to him but he also had great ideas about how he would deal with various issues. As the hustings closed I knew that here was a man who was passionate, inspiring and the real deal. I walked up to him to shake his hand and thank him (unfortunately interrupting him) but he was so gracious and humble and really came across as a genuinely, kind and caring person. Quite honestly, I've always been disillusioned by politics and politicians but Andy Burnham could just be the one who will help to encourage and motivate many people to restore their faith in politics and to engage in local and national politics.
He will definitely get my 1st preference vote.

Diane Abbott - hmmm It's so hard to find anything positive to say and I'd rather not be unkind so I'll just say that I won't be voting for her but I'm glad that Hackney has an MP who is committed.

Whoever wins the leadership election (and I desperately hope that it will be Andy Burnham) they will have a tough job on their hands to represent the people who have elected them in their constituencies, represent the very vastly different people who together form the Labour Party and re-position the party to make it a viable option for the electorate to vote in Labour as the next government of the United Kingdom.

And finally here's a fun pic of my favourite two politicians dating from 2008

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