
Thursday 24 July 2014

War, what is it good for?

The answer in the song is, absolutely nothing!

I've got to say that although I tend to agree I am realistic enough to appreciate that we in the UK have a freedom that was fought for by our forefathers and that there are circumstances where sometimes it's a case of kill or be killed.

But, having said that, my abiding reaction to war, the taking of lives and destruction of communities is that it is abhorrent.

I struggle to understand why in 2014, civilisation has not yet evolved to the point where we can live harmoniously and in peace.

There are wars, conflicts, genocides, whatever label you want to give all over our world right now.

I started writing this while enjoying a leisurely breakfast with my daughter. It was an enjoyable time. Then last night I went to Bradford City Park to play with my children. We had so much fun and I got totally soaked. But, constantly in my mind and heart is the thought that while I'm going through my daily life here in the UK, there are women mourning the dead in their families and wondering how or when they'll be able to feed their children or give them a clean glass of water. The basic necessities of life are not available for so many people in these zones of conflict/war. It must be utterly terrifying. There are women on both sides who care deeply and want an end to the terrible killing. Each and every death is a tragedy.

Where is our humanity?

I mean seriously what is it in us which prevents us from living harmoniously and in peace.

I genuinely don't think I have ever prayed so much, so fervently and consistently for worldwide PEACE.

I have seen and read an awful lot about the horror of what's going on in Gaza, a little less on Syria and Ukraine and almost nothing lately on Iraq and still rather than condemning ALL violence against humanity and advocating for Peace, I see many people taking sides and suggestions made about fighting back. I can understand this but taking up arms each time results in more dead. As Ghandi more eloquently put it: An eye for an eye means we all end up blind.

So although, I may be at risk of people not understanding why I'm for Peace I truly believe it is what this world needs. Who's with me?

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